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[[underlined]] To Kennedy [[/underlined]]

Apr. 17 Hunted in morning but killed nothing but a Longspur.
My box came at noon. The mans horse was sick & he did not come out from town until last night.
Started for Kings place at Kennedy. & reached there at one oclock. Made up the skins & then set some traps.
Got one Geomys before dark.
Frost in morning, warm & pleasant day.

" [[Ditto for: April]] 18
Caught 2 Geomys. Set traps till 2 oclock, have got out 30 traps.
Found holes of Dipodomys & of mice & Gophers. Did not see a mammal all day. Found an Ochetodon in a trap in evening.
Made up some skins.
A little frost in morning, Very warm day. clear.
Pinnated Grouse booming all around.

" [[Ditto for: April]] 19 Went to traps early, found 4 Dipodops 4 Hesperomes, an Ochetadon, Went around again before dark & got 2 Arvicolas & a S. 13lineatus & 2 Geomys.
Shot a Sharptailed Grouse. Made 11 mammal skins & one bird. Tramped over a good deal

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman fixed line spacing -@meg_shuler