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Apr.29. Left Valentine at 10:30 A.M. & arrived at Chadron at 5:30 P.M.
It is the first time I have passed over this part of the road [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] in daylight.
For a few miles we follow up the valley of the Minnekadusa Creek & then strike off through the sand hills.
Then it is sandhills with here & there ponds & marshes & a few little creeks until within 6 miles of Gorden. The sandhills are high & very irregular, are of light sand & not very thickly clothed with grass.
The hills have the appearance of wind drifts, & if they are, were probably formed when there was little or no vegetation on them. The hollows & valleys between the hills are grassy & fertile. Ponds are numerous & most of them alkaline.
6 miles east of Gorden we pass abruptly from sand onto a clay soil.
The whole country is changed. It is smoothe & slightly rolling, grass is thick & short - Eaten down.
The soil is rich & dark & farms are numerous, & large fields of grain look nice. There is no farming between Valentine & Gorden.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed -@siobhanleachman added a missing space -@meg_shuler