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At Mandan the Laramie Mts. begin to show & Laramie Peak is covered with snow - also some of the lower peaks. 
As we descend the slope into the N. Platte Valley, the country grows more barren & alkaline & like the Badlands.
At Fisher Artemesia tridentata is abundant & in 3 miles farther we strike the N. Platte R.
Reached Douglas at noon, got mail, set traps & hunted. Taked about the country with those who know it well. 
Packed some specimens & wrote in evening. Found thermopsis rhombifolia & Leucocrinum montanum & a little Phlox in blossom at Douglas. They are farther along than at Chadron. A very warm day.

May 1 Caught 2 S. tridecemlineatus & a Dipodops, skinned them & got things ready for a stage trip - sent a box of skins.
Left Douglas for Rock Creek at 1 P.M.
Crossed the Platte & began to climb the Laramie Mts. Cactus & sage brush abundant - long hills & soft rock. No timber till we strike the Lapperal Creek, along it is Populus angustifolia & boxelder & brush. Some farms & stock ranches along creek. Reached Beaver P.O., 20 miles from Douglas

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman two minor edits -@meg_shuler