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May 20 Caught a young Cottontail & 2 Thomomys that I think are different species.
Killed some birds. Made up skins.
Set some traps & took up others.
Got ready to go for a two days trip over onto Henrys Creek.
Warm & pleasant.

" [[Ditto for: May]] 21 Started at 7 A.M. for a trip over to [[underlined in red]] Henry's Fork [[/underlined in red]], about 30 miles S.E. of here.
Went with a 4 horse team & big wagon after a load of lime. After leaving the creek valley we entered badlands & followed through them several miles, then up onto a table land & across to Cottonwood Creek. then through more badlands over the divide & down to [[underlined in red]] Henry's Fork Cr. [[/underlined in red]] near [[underlined in red]] Lone Tree P.O. [[/underlined in red]] [[insertion in red]] Wyo. [[/insertion in red]]
Crossed the brushy flats and meadows of the creek valley & found the lime bed on the hills beyond, near where Picea pungens begins. The lime is soft & seems to be pure. is like slacked lime. Helped Mr. Gainley load up. then hunted Prairie Dogs. C. columbianus were common up to where the spruce begins. Populus tremuloides & Picea pungens & Pinus flexalis begin about together near Lone Tree P.O. 

Transcription Notes:
The underlining appears to be in the same ink as the insertion of Wyo. That insertion appears to be possibly in different handwriting. -@siobhanleachman I agree, so added "in red" to match insertion tags. Also fixed 2 minor typos -@meg_shuler