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May 30. Killed 2 more young Spermophiles & caught a couple of Thomomys, one of each species, & a Tamias.
Made up skins, & blew a set of eggs & hunted & dug fossils, & looked up a few plants in botany.

" [[Ditto for: May]] 31 Caught a Thomomys clusius on the high bench across the creek & also a Perognathus.
Shot 2 young Spermophiles & got a set of eggs & one bird of Spizella breweri.
Dug out a fossil turtle from the sandstone bank.
Made up skins & blew eggs, & then set 18 traps on the bench for Perognathes.
Cleaned gun & loaded shells & packed some things to take to the mountains Monday morning.
Wrote up the Perognathes for our "Collectors Guide" in evening.

June 1 Sunday.
I start for the [[underlined]] Uinta Mts [[/underlined]] in the morning & if I don't come back the journal will end here.

Transcription Notes:
changed "kind" to "bird." This page is sort of...melodramatic! -@meg_shuler Fatalistic ending... ~Rosalie Litt