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June 4 2 inches of snow on the ground in morning & temperature at 30 [[degree symbol]]. (F).
Concluded to kill a Deer & not go up the [[underlined in red]] Mt. [[/underlined in red]] till tomorrow.
[[left margin]] Red Castle [[/left margin]]
Found Deer tracks too thick to follow.
Just tramped through the woods, saw 3 Deer & could have killed them with a rifle but they were too far for a shot gun. no wind & the snow [[strikethrough]] c [[/strikethrough]] crunches.
Started an Elk twice but did not see it. Tracked up & killed a snowshoe Rabbit. The first I ever saw.
It has just shed the white coat, looks like a L. americans but is darker & slenderer & lighter & has larger hind feet & jumps farther.
Shot 2 Pine Squirrels & 6 Tamias, some birds & caught a Thomomys & set 18 traps. A jay stole the large Tamias that I killed yesterday at timberline.
Snow mostly gone at night, a raw, chilly day & cold in evining. Have to keep a big fire to sit by to work. Feel mean from the cold I have taken.