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Followed up a steep grade to Park City. up a caƱon & rapid stream. Found Park City in a notch of the Mts. up near timber & near snow. It is a mining town & has big ore mills. has only one street & that narrow. much like Deadwood. [[strikethrough]] D.F. [[/strikethrough]] S.D.
Put up at hotel & can work from town up high & get down in the parks so as to get Spermophiles.
A summer day.

June 12 Took a bag of traps & started up the mountain. Did not get very far from town. The Chipmunks & Spermophiles & birds & new flowers kept bothering me. Got 3 Tamias lateralis & saw a lot more, killed 5 Spermophiles found them away up on the Mt. among timber & brush. Abies & Picea pungens begin at the upper edge of town but have been cut except scattering ones for a good ways up. Killed some birds.
Found Purple Martins & Violet Swallows & House Wren all nesting - or going in & out of - the Woodpecker holes in a popple tree.  Made up skins in P.M.
A warm day, like summer.
Didnt find any place to set traps.