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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Fairfield, Utah. [[/underlined]] June 21, Stuffed The Woodchuck skins that I brought from Park City & then started out with gun & traps. Killed 6 Tamias quadrivittatus & 2 Spizella breweri & a Night Hawk. Made up these skins & went out again in P.M. & got a pretty little Spermophile, somewhat like tereticaudus. Saw some more & lots of holes & tracks. Set a few traps so as to have a supply of game for Monday. Saw a Coyote & a brown duck. A warm day & not so windy. Tamias are numerous, could have killed a lot more. The place promises well. " [[Ditto for: June]] 22 Sunday, warm - clear. Took 2 Hesperomes & some Tamias out of the traps. " [[Ditto for: June]] 23 Killed 2 Spermophiles & some Tamias & birds, Made up skins, set 20 traps, A hot day 85 [[degree symbol]] in P.M. Loaded a lot of shells in evening.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited & took tereticudus of Spermophilus tereticaudus out of brackets. -@siobhanleachman
Hesperomys to Hesperomes -@meg_shuler