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June 26 Caught a Dipodops & 5 Arvicolas & some Hesperomes & Tamias & caught & shot 5 Spermophiles.
Put up skins all of P.M. - 11 mammal & 4 bird skins.
Cold & cloudy & a little rain.

" [[Ditto for: June]] 27 Caught 4 Arvicolas & some Hesperomes & a Tamias & a Dipodops & 4 Spermophiles.
Took up the traps in the meadow & up by the R.R. Shot some birds.
Made 13 Mammal skins & 3 birds.
A clear warm day.
Found an Oroscoptes nest with 4 eggs & a Spizella breweri's with 3 eggs.

" [[Ditto for: June]] 28 Took up the rest of traps. Went down to lower end of meadows & killed some birds, 2 Ravens & a Curlew & a Circus & got 2 Spermophiles. Tramped about 5 miles, got back at 11 oclock, made 7 bird & 2 mammal skins & packed up
[[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] went over to Cedar Fort, 4 miles north of Fairfield.
Stopped at Bishop Bennetts
A warm, pleasant day.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Oroscoptes is likely Oreoscoptes montanus. -@siobhanleachman removed a line break -@meg_shuler