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June 29, Sunday. A quiet day at Brother Bennetts. Was not out of doors much. Clear & warm. 

" [[Ditto for: June]] 30 Got up early & loaded shells & cleaned gun before breakfast. Started up Pole Cañon at 7:30. It was a long tramp up the cañon & I reached the snow at one oclock. There is no water in the cañon & not much animal life. I was nearly choked when I reached snow. Killed a S. grammurus & some birds. Went first through a belt of Cedars & Piñon Pines & Circocarpus. Then into oak brush & then popples. Abies & Pseudotsuga & Picea are common on north slopes up near the peaks. 
A hot day, got very thirsty & tired & blistered my feet. Walked about 14 miles. 

July 1. Killed & skinned a few birds, Made out my report, set a few traps Did'nt work very hard. My legs were chafed so I could not walk with any comfort. 
A still, hot day. 

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about [[grammurus?]] -@siobhanleachman I am, so I removed the brackets -@meg_shuler Thanks for checking Meg. Just had to change Ceders to Cedars. Sorry about not catching it first time around! -@siobhanleachman