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[[underlined]] Wells, Nevada [[/underlined]] 

Oct. 19. Went to traps & took out 10 Arvicolas, 6 Hesperomes, 6 Tamias pictus (?), one Onychomys & one Perognathus.
A warm, pleasant day, some windy.
Staid about camp all day.

" [[Ditto for: Oct]] 20 Caught 3 Arvicolas & 3 Hesperomes & a Thomomys. Took up traps & began on specimens.
A clear frosty morning, 23 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise. warm & pleasant all day.
Skinned most of the tings before noon. Henry had the wagon all ready & we had lunch & started at noon.
Took the road along the foot hills S. of the R.R. Crossed little streams in nearly every hollow, They come down out of the caƱons of the East Humboldts Mts. There are ranches on every little stream, mostly hay ranches, some large ones. Wheat, oats, potatos, & alfalfa are raised.
The road follows a general level parallell with the valley & a good deal higher up. Artemesia tetradimea, & Sarcobatus are the characteristic plants, Amalanchier & Cowainea (mex.?) are abundant  [[strikethrough]] next [[/strikethrough]] on the foot hills, popples & other brush grow on the Mts., but not much timber. 

Transcription Notes:
reviewed - @meg_shuler