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Crossed the river to the west side & camped close to Deeth.
Saw lots of Tamias pictus (?) all along & one Lepus sylvaticus.
Saw 6 Sialia arctica, 2 Sturnella & a few Ravens, saw a flock of ducks flying up the River.
The barometer needle catches on the rim & will not work.

Oct. 21 Did not camp early enough to set traps tast night, so had none to look after in morning. Packed up & went to the P.O. & mailed letters & my barometer. Left Deeth at about 9 A.M. Followed down the west side of river & R.R. to Halleck. 12 miles.
The river meadow is all fenced up & we found no water except one little red alkalie stream, no feed outside of the fences & no one living on this side of the valley.
Couldnt camp till we reached Halleck at 2 P.M.
The flat valley averages about one mile wide, is mostly covered with rye-grass & salt-grass, the sides next the hills with Sarcobatus verniculatus & Tetradimea

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Fixed 1 minor typo. -@siobhanleachman