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[[underline]]Nov. 5[[/underline]], Got up early, Henry went to his traps & got 4 Neotomas, Packed up & started at 6:30--  Followed the valley in a southerly direction, crossed the R.R. in middle of valley, crossed the little, dry bed of a creek, which is all the sign of a stream there is -- the soil of the valley is hard, baked clay, dusty in the road.
Sarcobatus grows in the middle of the valley. Atriflex confertifolia takes its place a little farther back & continues to be the principal plant all along the side of the valley where the road runs. It extends well up on to the hills & down to middle of valley. Erotia lavata is thick in places along the sides. Artemesia tridentata grows on the hills & comes down wastes well into the valley. Junipers cover the sides of the mountains in places - generally they look bare. 
The valley is about 10 miles wide near Battle Mountain, but narrows down to 3 or 4 miles 30 miles south -- It is level & smoothe - Low mountains all around, mostly of red lava rocks
In places there are good basaltic columns
Found water at 20 miles & a little beyond, Wait till dark & made a day camp, Probably made 35 miles
Cloudy all night & most of day, windy, not cold.