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their base & extend up the south slopes about half way to the top, on north slopes not nearly so high. From the trees to the summits, the ground looks smoothe & bare & brown.
Can not see any other timber. Should think the highest peaks were 2000 or 3000 feet above the valley. The snow is mostly off from the S. slopes.
Camped just before sundown at Mr. Welch's ranch. Set the rodometer at Junction Where we camped it registered [[strikethrough]] 7500 [[/strikethrough]] revotutions. The wheel measures 13 ft, 5 in. This gives [[insertion]] 14 [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] 18 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] miles for today.
The road is level & nearly straight The dust is deep but otherwise the road is good. Started at 11 A.M. & came slowly. Saw some Tamias pictus 
Saw a Badger out sunning himself at the mouth of the hole at 11 A.M. Shot at it but missed it with both rifle & buckshot - Saw him down in the hole dig up a lot of loose dirt & kick it out to within 3 feet of the mouth of the hole & fill it up snug -
There are a number (about 6) large ranches along the valley. They have big fields full of stock & have large hay stacks. Have simply fenced in the wild meadow land along the valley.
Not so cold in morning & a warmer day.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed -@siobhanleachman