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[[underline]] Nov. 18. [[/underline]] Went to traps before breakfast - got 3 Dipodops, 3 big Perognathus & one little Perognathus.
Did not stop to make up skins. took my horse & went up the main cañon on this side of the valley. Followed up it 4 or 5 miles to near the head where a dozen or more big springs join & form a stream that flows a mile down the cañon. Left my horse here & began climbing the main peak - Climbed to the top but found there was a peak to the south a little higher. 4 streams rise on opposite sides of the peak I was on & two flow toward Reese R. & two into [[strikethrough]] Jone [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Smith Creek - [[/insertion]] Valley to the west. They are all small streams & soon sink - Could see over most of [[strikethrough]] Jone [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Smith Creek - [[/insertion]] Valley, or [[insertion]] Smith [[/insertion]] Creek Valley. A large part of the valley in the middle is white either from alkalie or Erotia Lanata. Could see three ranges of mountains, one back of another, to the west. Could see up Reese R. Valley to the head & see away beyond a range of higher snow covered mountains, a little west of south &, I should think, 80 or 100 miles distant. Could see mountains across Smokey Valley to the east & see half way back to Battle Mountain. 
The canon that I followed up begins with jagged peaks of dark red

Transcription Notes:
reviewed -@meg_shuler changed 'see thru ranges of...' to 'see three ranges..' - nmath