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Stuffed the rest of the skins from yesterday. Skinned todays lot & set Sorex traps. Henry went 5 miles up the valley after grain & set some traps when he got back. An old Shoshone Indian came along & stopped to talk. He had one of the robes made of twisted Rabbit skin.
A clear, pleasant day.
Took up all the traps on the mesa on this side of creek.

[[underlined]] Nov. 22 [[/underlined]], Caught one Sorex in the 22 traps set & baited specially for them - Caught an Evotomys & lots of Hesperomes -
Henry caught a Sorex, an Evotomys & some Hesperomes - Finished stuffing the skins from yesterday & those caught today before noon - the first time I have caught up with the work since we have been here. 
After noon took a bag of traps & went across creek onto a low mesa & set traps. Set 47. Found lots of Perognathus holes and holes that I hope are of the new little Dipodops. Found one Neotoma den & set traps at it. Saw grouse tracks & saw a Hawk scare up 7 grouse that seemed to be Sage Grouse.
Cold morning but warm day.
[[strikethrough]] Set traps till dark; got out 32, Caught one Arvicola pallidus before dark close to camp. [[/strikethrough]]