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cold & raw there is small chance of getting much. We have only small Sarcobatus brush to burn & not much of that. Got water at Columbus, which is about as much of a town as Sodaville - A mill & about 20 houses, half vacant -

Snowed about half an inch in the night but soon went off in the valleys in mornig
It tried all day to clear up and about half succeeded - Windy all day & colder at night. Guess the storm is over.

[[underline]] Dec. 6 [[/underline]] Got up early, had breakfast before daylight. Went to traps & got 3 Dipodomys deserti & 2 Dipodomys ordi (?). Another D. deserti got in a trap but was all but its head eaten by a little Fox. The Fox came to our camp & went under the wagon close to where we were sleeping and tore open a bag of fresh beef & gnawed it. Henry saw it & thought it was a cat, so he auxed it. In a few minutes it was back again & he shot a heavy load at it but missed it. That scared it away. I saw a glimpse of it in the dim light & could see that it was a little gray Fox, probably Vulpes velox or V. macrotis -

We crossed the west side of the Columbus salt marsh for about 5 miles, then over low, bare gravelly valley to

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Made one edit from beep to beef -@siobhanleachman