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[[underlined]] Dec. 11 [[/underlined]] Took the 7 oclock train for Lone Pine 16 miles up the valley.  The town is 2 miles south of the R.R. & on higher ground.  The little range of the Alabamas runs along just back of town between it & the Sierras. A man says it is the oldest range in the country.  It seems to be very rough & rocky. A little farther back the Sierra Nevadas rise steep & white.  Mt. Whitney is just opposite here. I should think the valley was about 10 miles wide, or a little less. The Mts. on the East are high & mostly bare & are rough. 
The middle of the valley is sandy & rather bare.  Grease brush is the principal kind of plants, scattered over the valley in small bunches.  There is some grassy land along the river, & large fields & meadows are all along the west side of the valley, lots of little streams & springs come out along the foot of the Mts.

Spent the forenoon hunting for a horse & rig for Dykeman.  Did not settle on any thing but found several chances to get horses.  Made up some skins & Set traps in P.M. I set 36, Nelson set 40. Set them down below town among sage brush & along fields.  Caught an Achetodon. Shot some birds. Not so cold, 31 [[degree symbol]] at Keeler in the morning.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed -@siobhanleachman