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It is about 9 miles from camp up to where I went in cañon. I collected plants & read barometer & took notes all along so did not go very fast. Did not get back to camp till 7 oclock, an hour after dark.  Nelson set traps in another cañon of the Sierras. & did not get back till I did. Dikeman worked down toward the marble quarry.

A cold morning +20[[degree symbol]] at daylight. Clear & a pleasant day.

[[underlines]] Dec. 21 [[/underlined]] Sunday.

Nelson went to his traps up [[insertion]] to [[/insertion]] the foot of the Sierras. Got some Hesperomes, 2 Ochetodons, a new Arvicola, 2 Dipodops 2 Dipodomys, a Neotoma, 2 Tamias leucurus & a S. grammurus. Was gone all day. A clear, pleasant day.

[[underlines]] Dec. 22 [[/underlined]]. Took a bag of traps & barometer & started up the Inyo Mts. east of R.R. station. Followed a trail up a wash & through cañons up to 2300 feet above camp. Did not reach the lowest timer by 800 feet. Set out all of my traps and as it was getting later did not go farther.

Transcription Notes:
Reveiwed. -@siobhanleachman changed grammerus to grammurus; it's messy, but it's a u -@meg_shuler