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[[double underlined]] 1891 [[/double underlined]]
[[underlined]] Jan. 1. [[/underlined]] 22[[degree symbol]] in morning at Darwin. 
Now we have 2 men to do our work so we left all the packing & loading for them & Nelson & I rode on ahead through Coso Valley & up to Maturango Spring. We do not cross the lowest part of Coso Valley but keep along the sloping plane in the middle. The valley slopes down to the east sides and drains through a cañon into Panamint Valley. We went down in the valley about 300 feet below Darwin, across the valley & up to 1200 feet above Darwin and camped at spring.
Coso Valley is sandy. Larrhea mex. and Yucca trees grow over most of the valley. Atriplex canescens, another Atriplex, the little Koeberlina, Erotia lanata, are common. There are lots of little plants plants that have started to grow, the tar weed – (a Barrage) is up several inches high & is abundant, a little, acaulescent mustard is in blossom also a yellow Oenothera & Astragalis & a few Lupines. The green plants & bright flowers look nice on New Years. Bunch grass of several species is abundant through the valley and more so as we go up out of the valley.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Have replaced ? with [[degree symbol]] as with other projects we've told that some symbols don't transfer well in between the Smithsonian systems. Koeberlina = Koeberlinia -@siobhanleachman