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[[underlined]] 1891 [[/underlined]]
George is a Shoshone. He & some boys - his boys I think - live over in Hells Cañon. They have a small field on the creek below the canon & raise melons, corn, & vegetables. The Indians in this valley are said to be all Shoshones. Those of Owen Valley are all Pintes.
A strong north wind all night & all day except a little while at sunrise.  I notice that it is calm near sunrise every morning. Probably that is a time when the temperature of mountains & valley [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] is the same. It is very disagreeable weather. 45[[degree symbol]] at sunrise. Clear.

[[underlined]] Jan. 10 [[/underlined]] -
Went to my traps up Surprise Cañon, got 10 Hesperomes, 2 Tamias leucurus, an Ochetodon. Took up traps Moved camp down to the creek that comes out of Shepherd Cañon. 
The creek runs nearly to the salt flat & forms a ford among Mesquits. The water is good & a patch of good grass will last the horses a day or so.
Made up some skins & set a few traps for Foxes. Nelson saw a Fox track & it took a Dipodomys from his trap. Nelson got a lot of Neotomas & other things, more than he can skin.

Transcription Notes:
end page not required on 2nd page Reviewed. Corrected spelling of species names as Vernon spelt them, added in ? missing words, and other symbols & lines & captials as following instructions to transcribe what I see. Corrected Dipodomys as Vernon wrote the o & then an m in his normal sloppy style. -@siobhanleachman