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* note
Should be [[underlined]] March [[/underlined]] 7 [[image: arrow pointing right]]

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403/5300 [[separating symbol]] 13   
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[[underlined]] Nov. 7 [[/underlined]] Didnt get a very early start, a cold morning - (12 [[degree symbol]]) Had to hunt the horses,
Got started at 9, went a mile & crossed the divide at a very little above the spring.
I caught a Thomomys & an Onychomys & a Hesperomys eremicus & 2 H. megalotus
Nelson got a lot of Hesperomes of these 2 secies & a sonoricusis. Tamias leucurus tracks are common all around on the snow.
   Followed down the east slope going down rapidly for 5 or 6  miles over rough & rocky road, then along the base of red sandstone cliffs 1000 feet that have a strong resemblence to the Vermillion Cliffs of Southern Utah. The soil & plants along the base are also like those along the base of the Vermillion Cliffs. Cedar & PiƱon trees come down to foot of cliffs, below the hills are rather bare. Came about [[underlined]] 13 miles & [[/underlined]] camped at the Cottonwoods, an old ranch where a large spring [[strikethrough]] boils [[/strikethrough]] flows out of the rocks. Cottonwood trees & Mesquits & desert Willow & scrubby live oaks. The soil is good & vegetation better than usual. Alfilari is abundant.
Camped at 2:30, Made up skins & set traps. We are now where the slope & drainage are to the Colorado River. Several plants that we have not met before on this trip & that are common on the Colorado R. Valley occur here.

Transcription Notes:
This image is the same as the next image but with the added note re March 7. The second page should be the same transcription as the following transcription & any edits should be done on both pages for consistency. -@siobhanleachman