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The water is warm, 76 [[degree symbol]], & is good, pure water. We caught a lot of very bright green frogs, the greenest I ever saw. There are lots of little fish in the spring & streams. Mr. Stewart says it is not improbably that the water runs from these springs down Vegas Wash to the Colorado R. after very heavy rains, but that he had not known it to do so. He had lived here a good many years. The stream from the springs runs about 6 miles down the wash besides irrigating a large ranch.
The part of the valley below the springs is of a firm fine soil that is black & rich when watered. There are large meadows along the stream. Groves of Cottonwoods have been set out & are now large trees. Mequits of both species are abundant, also Casclaw - 
Atriplex confertifolia & canescens & torreyi & Suaeda suffrutescens grow over the flat bottoms. There is hardly a tree of alkalie or soda in the valley.
Alfilari is abundant & in blossom.
small plants have started. Almonds & peach trees are loaded with blossoms. I saw one Humming bird but could not get it.
26 [[degree symbol]] in morning at Cottonwoods, a warm, pleasant day down in valley. Came down about 1000 feet. 
They say the Vegas ranch in low part of valley is

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about [[Alpilari?]] -@siobhanleachman