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[[boxed advertisement]] THE GREAT LAKES MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (Old Line Legal Reserve) ---which means that we have met the requirements of the Insurance Department of Michigan and deposited $200,000 with the State Treasury for the protection of our policyholders. We have purchased U.S. Government Bonds to the amount of $465,000.00. We give free visiting nurse service. Our representatives, women and men, earn as much as $100.00 a week. We write policies from $100.00 to $25,000.00 Charles H. Mahoney, President-General Counsel M.L. Walker, Vice President-Treasurer L.C. Blount, Secretary-General Manager Dr. Robert Greenidge, Vice President-Medical Director ---HOME OFFICE--- 301 East Warren Avenue Detroit, Michigan [[/boxed advertisement]] [[advertisement]] [[image - black & white photograph of a group of men in front of 3 trucks]] [[caption]] PARADISE VALLEY DISTRIBUTORS-- A Successful Negro Business Serving Your Beer Gardens, Bars and Groceries with the World's Best Drinks [[/caption]] TE.2-3556 439 THEODORE TE. 2-9479 [/advertisement]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[boxed advertisement]] When you are sick you call a Doctor! When your tooth hurts you see a Dentist! When you Advertise you should seek the aid of an ADVERTISING AGENCY! An Agency Equipped to Serve You and Save You Useless Waste and Worry AMERICAN BUSINESS AND ADVERTISING AGENCY, INC. 1308 Broadway CAdillac 4497 Ulysses W. Boykin, President [[/boxed]] COMPLIMENTS OF RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 354 Michigan Avenue, corner Cass Phone CHerry 6970 [[line]] FRIEDENBERG FURNITURE HOUSE, INC. 26 YEARS OF HONEST DEALINGS 4723-27 Hastings St. TEmple 1-3935 [[line]] COMPLIMENTS OF WARFIELD THEATER OPEN ALL NIGHT 5126 Hastings TE. 1-4791 [[line]] PAUL THE TAILOR 2340 BRUSH at VERNOR HIGHWAY CLifford 2519 SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT [[line]] Compliments of EXPERT CLEANERS EXPERIENCED TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing--Suits Made to Order We Call For and Deliver 5261 Milford Ave., at Begole and Ironwood TYler 6-8140 [[boxed advertisement]] CAdillac 2162 Naomi Owens WAYNE SECRETARIAL SERVICE Make-up Service Mimeographing Typists Stenographers Notary Public Telephone Answering Service 601 Tobin Building - 1308 Broadway Detroit 26, Mich. [[/boxed advertisement]] [[advertisement]] TOO BUSY TO SHOP?-Call CAdillac 4275 GRAYCE SADLER'S PERSONALIZED SHOPPING SERVICE 1308 Broadway--501 Tobin Bldg. Detroit 26, Mich. [[/advertisement]] [[line]] COMPLIMENTS OF DILLARD'S MUSIC CENTER [[line]] BATCHLOR Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor John A. Kent, Prop. 8531 Oakland Avenue Phone TRinity 2-9635 [[line]] COMPLIMENTS OF ELVIN DAVENPORT Attorney [[line]] COMPLIMENTS OF DR. DORIS S. MOORE AND DR. MILRIDGE B. MOORE