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Reached Council Bluffs at 4 P.M. Went to Hotel and got out my traps & hurried out to set some before dark. Went up a gulch N.E. of town & set 12 traps in woods, but not in good places. Then it was too dark to do more.

[[underlined]] Nov. 13 [[/underlined]]  Caught nothing but Hesperomes. Went over onto Mosquito Creek about 3 miles N.E. of town and set out all of my traps. Found some pretty good places, old logs & brush in thick woods on the creek bottoms and up in gulches. Set most of them about 2 miles up the creek from the Greendale packing house, about the second .R.R. crossing of the Creek.
A pretty cold day, tried to snow in evening.

[[underlined]] Nov. 14 [[/underlined]]  Caught 3 Blarinas, one Synaptomys, & a lot of Vesperomys leucopus, Set a lot more traps around where I got the Synaptomys. Found some runways. Saw a Musk Rat & Cottontail. Wallnuts, Hicory nut (small kind), bur oak, Jack oaks, Box elder, Elm, Celtis, Thorn, Hazle, Ironwood, Basswood, Prickly ash, Sumache, White ash, Willows, Populus [[tremuloichs?]] & grandentatum (?) All common -  

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Blarinas see think Populus [[tremuloichs?]] = Populus tremuloides which Vernon normally spells correctly but have transcribed how he's written it. -@siobhanleachman