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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] To Savannah [[/underlined]] A big marsh and channel where the tyde flows near Charleston, and a few miles south we saw the first little palm like plants probably Sybaldia, and live oaks. After crossing the Savannah River we went through some sand ridges running parallel with the river back a few miles from the bank. The highest were hardly 20 feet high but were dry and sandy & covered with timber. We saw a lot of Gopher hills on them, the first seen on the trip. It was probably 5 miles north of Savannah. Reached Savannah about 3 P.M. and had to wait till 7:20, tramped around town. It is a delapetated old place with some buildings that have been good. A warm day, up to 87 [[degree symbol]] at 4 P.M. in Savannah. It seems like midsummer. Strawberries were ripe at Savannah. Reached McIntosh at 9 P.M. & staid [[strikethrough]] up [[/strikethrough]] all night at a farm house. [[underlined]] April 6 [[/underlined]] Got a man to take us out to Riceboro and started about 7 A.M. It is 10 miles to Riceboro and good roads all the way through woods.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected some typos. -@siobhanleachman