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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Riceboro, Georgia [[/underlined]] Reached Riceboro but could find no place to stay and were told that only some colored people were on or near the LaCont Plantation. Found a place a mile & a half S.W. of Riceboro and settled. Our mail had not arrived, so we had no traps to begin work with. There are little farms and patches cleared but most of the country is covered with thick timber and brush. Live oaks and pines, sweet gum and sycamore are the principal trees. Holly, Cornus & Laurel are common shrubs, The trees are loaded with Spanish Moss. The land is nearly level. I should think there was hardly a rise of 10 feet in the form of hills or ridges. The tide comes up to Riceboro & past our stopping place. Most of the white people leave this locality in summer as it to unhealthy to admit white living here in warm weather. All the people are poor & lazy. Most of the whites live in old, tumbledown houses & seem to be about on a level with the negras.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected typos -@siobhanleachman