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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] open pine woods, some swamps, quite rolling, soil good, mostly reddish & clayey. Some good looking farms and orchards. [[underlined]] April 20 [[/underlined]], Woke up near Scranton, Miss. Found plenty of live oaks and Spanish moss all along R.R. A low, flat country to Bay St. Louis with some marshes and inlets. Arrived at Bay St. Louis at 6 A.M. Had to wait till 8 for the P.O. to open. Received some letters of instructions. Loring packed & shipped 3 boxes of specimens, then packed his things and started for Hermosilla at 3 P.M. I took gun and tramped in woods till after dark. Saw one Coon but did not get it. Saw several bats but did not get anything. The woods are bare the country is flat & mammal life scarce. Found some swamps that may contain game. 3 pines are common, also Juniperous virginianus, Magnolia grandiflora, Quercus nigra & a live oak, [[strikethrough]] Blue [[strikethrough]] Liquidambar & Taxodium, Sabal adamsonii, & Mitchella ripens. A few Magnolia flowers are just opening. China trees are in blossom, some mulberries are ripe. A tall Yucca in yard is in blossom. A hot day except on edge of gulf where wind blows.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman