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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[pencil]] Bay St Louis Miss. [[/pencil]] [[underlined]] April 21 [[/underlined]] George A. Coleman came last night at 10 oclock. I met him this morning. It rained all day but about 5 minutes, & rained hard much of the time. We could not get out to do any work. It is so damp that our specimens do not dry but mould & our guns rust badly. [[underlined]] April 22 [[/underlined]] Rained all night and part of forenoon. We took a long tramp through the woods & waded in water half the way, sometimes nearly to our knees. The streams and water courses were all full and overflowing, water stands from a few inches to a foot deep over half of the woods. It would be difficult for any small mammal to live in the woods except in trees. We found Scaloporus common on trees over the water. In P.M. we got a boat and rowed across the bay to the point on east side. Hunted in the woods but found no signs of mammals. Caught a pair of Cottonmouths and a lot of lizzards & some frogs. Got some birds and shot bats in evening. Mr. Coleman killed an Antrostomys carolinensis. Set a few traps but do not expect to catch any thing. Moved from the Bay St. Louis Hotel out to a house in the woods on back side of town. Cleared up & is pleasant.
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Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman