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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Bay St. Louis. April 23 [[/underlined]] Did not catch a thing in the traps we had out. Set a lot more. Shot birds & caught snakes & lizzards. Found 3 Cottonmouths & a Moccason. They all wanted to bite. The Moccason had a Neotoma (not half grown) in its stom. & a young turtle. We were in the swamp most of the time. Coleman found a small red & black snake, very pretty. We could not find any sign of mammals excep a coon track and Male [[ridges?]]. A clear pleasant day. [[underlined]] April 24 [[/underlined]] Coleman found one Sitomys in a trap. My traps were empty. It began to rain about noon and kept it up the rest of the day. [[underlined]] April 25 [[/underlined]] Still raining hard in morning & did not stop till about 3 P.M. Did not go to our traps till after noon & found nothing in them. Went back through woods about 3 miles to the place where Brimly used to stop. Learned something about the country and where to find dry ground. There are hills across on north side of Bay. Killed some birds & Bats. Got wet. Stopped raining but did not clear up. Water all through the woods again.
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Reviewed -@siobhanleachman