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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] April 29 [[/underlined]] Caught an Opossum & a Sitomys & shot 2 Gray Squirrels & a Vesperugo. Coleman got a Squirrel & a Vesperugo. Reset some of our traps. It rained hard in the night and sprung many of our traps. A clear & very pleasant day. [[underlined]] April 30 [[/underlined]] Crossed bay to get a telegram and had to sail against a head wind so wasted most of the P.M. Caught 3 Neotomas & a Sitomys & shot some birds. [[underlined]] May 1 [[/underlined]]. Sunday - Found nothing but a Sitomys in traps. took them up as I will have to start in the morning to cross the bay and will not have time to go to them. A clear, cool pleasant day with a fresh breeze from the gulf. [[underlined]] May 2 [[/underlined]] Started across the bay against a head wind and were a good while in crossing. I went to the hotel & wrote on my report till train time. Met Thompson at the train at 3 P.M. and we proceeded to New Orleans where we arrived at 5 oclock & stopped for the night.
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Reviewed -@siobhanleachman