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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Houma [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] May 11 [[/underlined]] Caught a Sitomys, got a Sciurus & some birds, tramped across the swamp and started several Swamp Rabbits but could not see them for thick weeds & brush. Killed 2 little Bats in evening and found a large one on the ground where it had fallen after flight - evidently. Have to skin the bats because we have no alcohol. [[underlined]] May 12 [[/underlined]] Caught a Neotoma & Sitomys. Thompson caught 2 Musk Rats and an Orozomys. Found some better Neotoma houses and set traps for them. one nest is in a hollow sycamore that measures 10 1/2 feet across the hollow at base. It is a thin shell with branches around the edges up about 12 feet. Shot a Neotoma as it ran up a tree from nest at base. [[underlined]] May 13 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Neotomas, 8 Stetomys, a Reithrodontomys & a Mus. Thompson got a Fiber and a Lepus sylvaticus. [[underlined]] May 14 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Neotomas, a Sitomys & a Rattle snake. Thompson got 2 Sitomys & a Neotoma. Took up traps and returned to Houma in P.M. Saturday night.