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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] May 22 [[/underlined]] Sunday, Did not find much in traps. Coleman got several mammals. [[underlined]] May 23 [[/underlined]] Caught a Neotoma & Rabbit and shot [[strikethrough]] a Sciuropterus [[/underlined]] some birds. Caught a Coon. Set my traps down the creek in an old nursery. [[underlined]] May 24 [[/underlined]] Caught 3 Arvicola pinetorum (?) and shot 3 bats. and some birds. Coleman got a Neotoma & 2 Sitomys & a Rabbit. Reset a lot of my traps. [[underlined]] May 24 [[/underlined]] Caught 3 Arvicola pinetorum(?) and a Blarina. Found shrew runways in some bushy woods and set traps for them. Coleman caught a Coon & a Neotoma. [[underlined]] May 27 [[/underlined]] Have worked late night and not written journal for several days. Do not get many things except bats which are numerous. Have got a few Blarinas & Fox Squirrels & a Tamias. Killed a Buteo latissima & a Colaptes auratus to day. Got a partially albina Geothlypis trichis yesterday. Clear warm weather with a light shower this evening.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Solved a [[?]]. -@siobhanleachman