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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Washington, Miss & Natchez May 28 [[/underlined]] Caught a Sitomys & shot a Sciurus Carolinensis Reset my traps, packed skins, Wrote on report in evening, Cleared up, pleasant. [[underlined]] May 29 [[/underlined]] Sunday - Caught 4 Blarinas [[underlined]] May 30 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Blarinas one of a small slender species different from those caught before. and an Arvicola. Coleman caught 2 Arvicolas. Went to our traps early, took them up, made up the skins and packed our baggage. Started for Natchez at 10 A.M. Had to wait at Natchez over night for a train enroute for Mer Rouge. A hot day, dust deep and soft along road. [[underlined]] May 31 [[/underlined]] Left Natchez at 6:30 A.M. on the Ft. Scott R.R. Crossed the Miss. R. and proceeded N.W. to Rayville where we have to wait again till 5:10 P.M. for a west bound train. From Natchez to Rayville the country is all flat and partly flooded. Thick woods of Sweet Gum, Oaks, Hicara, Cypress, Sycamore, elm & other trees cover the country except where cleared.
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed - had to add in a capital letter. -@siobhanleachman