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[[underlined]] Paris, Tex. to Arthur [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 13 [[/underlined]] Took up my traps, they had not been touched. Shot Scissor tails & a Chondestes & made up skins. Failed to get a Sturnella. Was sick all night and am now so weak I can hardly stand up. My eyes begin to turn yellow so I know it is only jaundice. Could hardly drag myself around to get my traps. Saved a few plants. Will take the 6 P.M. train northward. Another hot day.
Left Paris at 6 P.M. & went to Arthur, 15 miles north at crossing of the Red R. and stopped. Shot at bats but got none.

All clay land from Paris to Arthur, some fields of cotton, oats, corn, castor-plant, etc. Most of the way is uncleared scrub-oak land,

Arthur is composed of 6 or 8 little houses on the bank of the Red R. A crew of men are building a saw mill.

[[underlined]] June 14 [[/underlined]], Crossed the R.R. bridge and hunted most all day on north side of river in Indian Territory. back a mile from river found sandy land above high water level and caught 4 Geomys tuza on it. Shot 4 Gray squirrels.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman