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[[underlined]] 1892 Arthur, Tex 

June 15 [[/underlined]] Hired a man and dog to go with me hunting squirrels. Killed 7 Fox Squirrels one black one, the others as usual. They are different from those of Louisiana.
Hunted through the pine & jack oak ridges a few miles S.W. of Arthur. Did not see a Gray Squirrel. 4 of the Squirrels were [[male symbol]] & 3 [[female symbol]], 4 adult & 3 nearly full grown of the year. stomachs full of nuts & a black substance probably lichen or fungus.
A hot day. Shot 4 bats in evening.

[[underlined]] June 16 [[/underlined]] Left Arthur at 7:40 A.M. reached Ft. Smith at 1:30 & left for Ft. Gibson at 4:30, arrived at Gibson at 7 P.M.
Passed through timbered country, from the river back to Grant, then struck open prairies alternating with scrub oak openings and timbered creek [[strikethrough]] beds [[/strikethrough]] flats, splendid grass all over prairie, very little stock or settlement stations small & far apart.
Steadily climbing up grade till we began to strike rocks and high-pine covered ridges at Rodney. Thence quite mountainous Long ridges rise 1000 feet or so and are covered with thick pine forest. look black. R.R. runs through open parks of splendid grass &