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[[underline]] Marble Cave, Mo. [[/underline]]

Took some dirt out of the Animal Passage but the dust choked us badly.  we had no cloth or sponge for our faces.

Saw 2 wild turkeys near the cave but too far away for a shot.

Shot at a few [[strikethrough]] bl [[/strikethrough]] bats in evening but did not get any.

Clear & warm, a shower in afternoon.

[[underlined]] June 22 [[/underlined]] Borrowed 3 traps of the Powell boys and set.  Hunted some and wrote up some back report.  Can not do much till my trunk comes.

[[underlined]] June 23 [[/underlined]]  Caught an Opossum in a trap and the dogs found a large Woodchuck.  Hunted and looked up a lot of plants.

[[underlined]] June 24 [[/underlined]]  Killed a Tamias and a Gray & a Fox squirrel.  My trunk came in P.M. & I set out some traps.

Rained hard, was out and got wet.

[[underlined]] June 25. [[/underlined]]  Caught a Neotoma.  Set 40 traps in the cave & helped get out dirt and bones from the animal passage.  Put up the skins of specimens taken before my trunk came.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed -@siobhanleachman