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[[underlined]] Golden City, Mo. to Pittsburg Kansas [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 12 [[/underlined]]  Shot 2 half grown Spermophilus 13lineatus & caught 2 in traps. Caught an Opossum with 3 young in pouch.

[[underlined]] July 13 [[/underlined]], Got one Spermophile & shot some birds & a bat. Feel tired and half sick all the time. Am either bilious or have malaria.

[[underlined]] July 14 [[/underlined]] Caught one more Arvicola. Took up traps and packed up and took the 11:10 train west to Liberal.  Stoped at Liberal & tramped around some but can find no signs of Geomys nor hear of any.
Will take the next tain S.W. to Pittsburg if the train ever comes. Am waiting for it & it is now 6 hours late. May stay at Pittsburg but not unless I find some prospect of animals.  Reached Pittsburg at 6 P.M. & had to wait till 8, so had time enough to take a tramp and see that it offered a poor prospect for collecting.  From Liberal to Pittsburg there are but few farms.  Coal is found all along.  The land is all praire, quite level and with a splend growth of grass. large tracts are fenced & used for pasture. Minden is a smoky little coal town on a big, smoothe, grassy prairee.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman