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[[underline]] Chetopa [[/underline]]
Pittsburg is a coal mining & smelting town, surrounded by grassy prairie & very few farms. 
Left Pittsburg just at dark and did not see the country thence to Chetopa.

[[underline]] July 15. [[/underline]] Woke up in a new place, Chetopa, Kan. Took my gun and tramped all of forenoon but soon found that no Geomys nor many other mammals occur here. Killed a Cottontail & a Sturnella magna & a Lanius.  Saw a Milvulus forficatus. Killed some other birds to see what they were eating.
The country is prairie except along the Neoshoe River, where it is wooded. Most of the land, out for 3 miles from town at least, is cultivated. Some large pastures remain in native grass and are little changed from the orriginal prairie. Wheat, oats, corn & clover and timothy hay are the principal crops.  Much fruit is raised, such as apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, and small fruits. There is hardly a trace of Austroriparian life here. One Milvulus forficatus and the Catalpa bignonoides are probably the most southern forms occurring.  
At hot day, 93[[degree symbol]] at 3 P.M.