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[[underlined]] Belle Plaine, to Cairo, Kansas [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 26 [[/underlined]] Have been trapping on the low land about Belle Plaine for several days without getting much but Geomys & Sitomys. The country is all in fields and crops except a few pastures and along the railroads.
Got a team & buggie and started early in morning for a place where there are said to be Prairie Dogs about 13 miles north of here near Derby.
Crossed to east side of Arkansas R. passed through Mulvane, then struck high rolling prairie with clay soil. 
Found the holes of Prairie Dogs on the farm of Mr. Garret, a mile south of Derby but saw no P.Ds. There are said to be others near by but all in small groups. Got some birds & other things, a Lepus sylvaticus & S. 13lineatus which Dutcher killed.
Returned to Belle Plaine & packed up.

[[underlined]] July 27 [[/underlined]] Left Belle Plaine at 10 A.M., had to wait at Wichita till 5:50 P.M. and then reached Cairo, Pratt Co., a little after dark. Followed up the Arkansas Valley most of the way to Wichita so there was not much change of country then crossed it going west and struck

Transcription Notes:
13lineatus is shorthand for tridecemlineatus -@siobhanleachman