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[[underlined]] Cairo Ponca 

July 29 [[/underlined]]
Caught 3 Geomys & shot some birds. Basil caught 2 Perodipus & a S. 13lineatus & shot a Lepus texanus & some Night Hawks.

[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Aug. 1 [[/strikethrough]] July 30 [[/underlined]] Caught a Spilogale & Shot 2 Jack Rabbits.
[[underlined]] July 31 [[/underlined]]. Caught another Spilogale

[[underlined]] Aug. 2 [[/underlined]] Left Cairo at 5 A.M. and stopped at Garden Plain. Set traps and hunted. Got 4 Geomys & a Prairie Dog & a Lepus sylvaticus & a Spermophilus 13lineatus & caught a young Perognathus paradoxus in my hands. Skinned the specimens, made 2 skeletons.

[[underlined]] Aug. 3 [[/underlined]] Left Garden Plain at 6:45 A.M. made close connections at Wichita and started south from there on the S. Fe arriving at Ponca station at 11 A.M.

Walked 3 miles to the agency where I found Preble at Mr. Beverlands place.

The Indian police had scared Preble out of doing any work till I came. Got our things out as soon as possible and set out traps. Could find no Spermophiles to use bi-sulphide on, though their holes are common & I heard one. 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected date. -@siobhanleachman