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[[underlined]] Ponca to Gainesville [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 6 [[/underlined]] Left Ponca at 11 A.M. and reached Oklahoma City about 2 P.M. Preble with me. Went out hunting & looking over the country. Killed a [[underlined]] Sciuropterus [[/underlined]] & shot at bats.

Found plenty of timber along the stream.

Oklahoma City is close to the N. Fork Canadian R. Rolling prairie extends back except along streams. Some ridges are covered with scrub oak.

[[underlined]] Aug. 7 [[/underlined]] Took a long walk & concluded to let Preble stay and collect for a few days. I started on again at 2 P.M. and reached Gainesville, Tex., at dark. Took notes all along the road.

Believe the line between Austroriparian and Carolinian strikes across south of Purcell. The same prairie plants that we found in Kansas came down as far as the Canadian R. North of Purcell & were not seen south of there.

We followed the valley of the Washita R. for a long way, and south of Davis struck into rocky knobs and rough country.

Dougherty seemed an unusually promising locality, a little station in the woods close to the river with rocky ridges on two sides and prairie back of the ridges on the S.W. Decided to have Preble stop there on his way down.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected typos. -@siobhanleachman