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[[underlined]] Wichita Falls [[/underlined]], Tex.

Henrietta. Arrived at Wichita Falls at 10 P.M. Passed through the upper Cross-timbers between St. Jo. and Belcher then the prairie seemed boundless on all sides, timber & brush along a few streams.
Saw a few Mesquits just as we passed Belcher & they seemed common thence on. It grew dark after we passed Doss. Had to wait at Henrietta & reached Wichita Falls at 10 P.M. put up at the St. Elmo Hotel.
[[underlined]] Aug. 16 [[/underlined]] Took all of the forenoon for writing letters and finishing reports In P.M. went out and found lots of Prairie Dogs & shot a Spermophilus 13lineatus, set traps.

[[underlined]] Aug. 17, [[/underlined]] Caught only a Spermophile Tied it to a long string put it in a hole and killed it with bisulphide in 6 minutes. Tried to catch P.Ds. to experiment on but did not catch any. Will go down to Seymour & stay one night, then come back here & try the P.Ds again. Killed a Cottontail

The country here corresponds in dryness and general appearance to the plains about Cheyenne, though good crops are raised along the river flats. Cottonwood timber

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected S. to St. -@siobhanleachman