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found no signs of small mammals & set but 2 traps.

[[underlined]] Aug. 18 [[/underlined]]  Got up early & went hunting before breakfast, found tracks of Kangaroo Rats & a little Perognathus in sandy banks along the Brazos River.  Saw nothing in the mammal line save Cottontail & P.D.  No Cottonwoods along the river here. The largest tree is the little Cedar Elm - rarely 20 feet high & scrubby.  Prosopis is abundant.  A species of Xanthoxylum is common & a Lyssium & Cactus & Solanum rostratum.

Crops of corn & grains & vegetables are raised on the prairie where it seems like a dry desert.  This year is dry but they say for 4 years crops have been good along the Brazos.

In returning from Seymour to Wichita Falls I saw nothing new save a very pretty girl and the usual number of Cottontails (7) & Prairie Dogs by hundreds.

Reached Wichita Falls at 11 A.M. & in P.M. set traps for P.Ds. & when caught experimentd on them with bi sulphide.  Caught 3 & eperimented successfully on two. The other got stuck in the hole and I broke the string trying to draw him out.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Checked species names & localities. Corrected one minor typo. -@siobhanleachman jeni92127 final review: 15 Sept 2017 FYI: - Xanthoxylum = Zanthoxylum - Lyssium = Alyssum