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[[underlined]] Wichita Falls to Clarendon [[/underlined]], Texas.  

[[underlined]] Aug. 19 [[/underlined]] Didn't catch any P.Ds. got one Cottontail.

[[underlined]] Aug. 20 [[/underlined]]  Caught 3 Cyromys & a Mephitis.  Gave them all bisulphide.  Could not get one P.D. out of the hole, broke the strings.  Partly resussitated one P.D. but it finally died about 3 hours later.  The skunk went down a P.D. hole, bisulphided him but let him out too seen & he partly revived, but did not stink till after I he came to life the second time.  I then gave him another dose & cut off his head.

Left Wichita Falls at 3 P.M. for Clarendon, arriving there at 9:30 P.M.  It grew dark as we crossed the P.D.T. Fork of Red R., but Lower Sonoran came up that far pronouncedly with lots of Prosopis, Lyssium, Opuntia & other Sonoran forms.  At the river we met an Artemisia, probably of Upper Sonoran range, but it grew too dark to see anything.  Cyromys abundant all the way. should say they would average at least 2 to the acre throughout the country.  Geomys hills were common in the Pease R. Valley near Vernon and in the P.D.T. Fork of Red R. Valley from Childress west to river.  Not seen save in these localities, where it is sandy.  Most of

Transcription Notes:
Removed [[end page]] as not necessary - nwmath Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman