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DOCUMENTS re PETRUS CHRISTUS "Three Marys at the Tomb of Christ"

- Reprint of Wolfgang Schöne article in [[underlined]] Zeitschrift für Kunstwissenschaft[[/underlined]], 1954

- and English translation

- Opinion of W. Schone (Gutachten, 1950)

- Letter from E. Penofsky letter to W. Schone, Feb. 17, 1955

- Opinion of Max Friedlander, with note to Dr. Weininger, Nov. 21, 1957

- Letter from Germain Seligman to W. Schone, Nov. 17, 1958

- Letter from W. Schone to Germain Seligman, Jan. 8, 1959

- and English translation

- Letter from Fritz Winkler to Germain Seligman, April 17, 1958

- Jacques Seligmann & Co. study on the painting