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October 17, 1955

Dear Colin:

It was so pleasant, indeed, to have seen you again, and looking so very well and full of activity.

You will recall that when I spoke to you about the samll Holbein portrait, I told you I thought it was the one which had been proposed to me from Basel several years ago. Having just checked with my files, I find this assumption to be correct; and furthermore, looking up the article by the late Professor Paul Ganz in [[underline]] The Art Quarterly, [[/underline]] Autumn 1950, I find that the portrait was reproduced as "Basel Art Market." The firm that proposed it to me was Schultheiss in Basel. On the other hand, if I understood you correctly, it was already and still your property while it was in Basel, and I gather never actually belonged to the Schultheiss gallery? You will certainly realize that if I am inquiring into this, it is just for the sake of establishing the correct pedigree and for no other purpose; and a line from you on this topic would oblige me.

This note gives me also the opportunity of reminding you of the request I have, which I mentioned to you, for a very pleasing young woman portrait by Gainsborough and if possible in a park. One never knows, of course, how serious such inquiries and desires are, but do bear it in mind and let me hear from you should you know of anything along those lines. In fact, if and when the time comes, I shall give you the name of the party in Europe - this will enable you to communicate directly with him.

Now, as regards the other topics we discussed of paintings available in the States which could be for the English market, I have had a couple of thoughts on the subject, and do ask your cousin, Geoffrey, to write to me when he will be about to come over this fall.

With kind regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Colin Agnew, Esq.
Thomas Agnew & Sons, Ltd.
45 Old Bond Street
London, W. 1, England

