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May 25th, 1936

Messrs. Hirshbach & Smith
44 Whitehall Street
New York, New York

[[underlined]] Attention of Mr. Nathan [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

You will call for the following shipments of one case each to go per the S.S. NORMANDIE, sailing from New York on May 26th, 1936 to:-

Societe Nouvelle de Transit & Consignation
59, Quai George V
Le Havre, France

for reshipment to:- [[underlined]] G. Seligmann & Cie., S. A., 9 Rue de la Paix, Paris, France:-- [[/underlined]]

[[table, 4 columns]]
[[underlined]] Case Number | Contents | Weight | Value [[/underlined]]
J.S. 979 | seven (7) pictures | 356 lbs. | $32,593.00
 | one (1) bronze [[/table]]
for reshipment to:- [[underlined]] A. Bellier, 1 Pond-Point Bugeaud, Paris, France:---- [[/underlined]]

[[table, 4 columns]]
[[underlined]] Case Number | Contents | Weight | Value [[/underlined]]
J.S. 980 | one (1) painting | 70 lbs. | $20,000.00 [[/table]]
[[table, 4 columns]] [[/table]]
for reshipment to:- [[underlined]] Hector Brame, 68 Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris, France:---- [[/underlined]]
[[table, 4 columns]]
[[underlined]] Case Number | Contents | Weight | Value [[/underlined]]
J.S. 981 | one (1) painting | 89 lbs | $25,000.00 [[/table]]

Please inform the Societe Nouvelle of the gross weight of the cases.

Thanking you, we are,

Very truly yours,


By:- ^[[JS]]