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[[preprinted header]]FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE

Day & Meyer, Murray & Young
Packers, Shippers and Movers of High Grade Household Effects and Art Objects

Second Avenue at 61st Street
New York 21, N. Y.
TEmpleton 8-5151[[/preprinted header]]

December 18, 1956

Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York City


Please find herewith enclosed our invoice in the amount of $55.00 covering the property we are holding in storage for your account.

We also enclose a signature card with the request that you kindly sign same and return to us. It is very important and to your interest that this card is on file at our office, as no person or persons, other than those whose signatures appear on this card, may have access to or delivery of the property at any time, and a specimen of their signature will act as identification.

Please be advised that we have your note introducing Mr. Porjes and allowing him access until we receive further notice from you and have put this on file.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, we are

Very truly yours,

[[signed]]R. D. Monte[[/signed]]


Transcription Notes:
Kept apparent misprint "TE"