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[[underlined]] Wyoming Mts. [[/underlined]] 
The usual alpine plants were in full bloom above timber. Oxalis Ranunculus, Losia, Anemone, Hydrophyllum. Myiasotis (?), Dwarf composites & Gilias & Carexes & Luzuli.
Elk & deer tracks were numerous at timberline & sheep tracks above, but we saw no game. Rabbit pills were common to top & large. There were signs of Lagopus but we saw none. A few Lagomys were seen & heard. S. lateralis & Sciurus & Tamias were up to timberline. Thomomys was abundant to the top.
Otocoris were in flocks & we saw a few Anthus & what seemed to be a Leucosticte. I shot a Spermophile at 10900 that seems to me a new species.
Got back at 6 P.M. have a lot of things to make up & want to leave here in the morning.

[[underlined]] Aug. 6 [[/underlined]] Caught a Sorex, a Zapus, a Sitomys & an Arvicola. Loring caught a lot of Zapus. Had a lot to do before starting & did not get started till 11:30. Followed down La Barge creek about 6 miles & then

Transcription Notes:
Unsure if it is rabbit hills or pills (ie dung) - @siobhanleachman / @nounandverber: I think "pills"